Provision for the House 2013
We believe, that as you sow sacrificially into God's House, you will in turn be blessed in your own life. We encourage you to prepare, pray and believe for God to move on your behalf as you consider giving to the Provision for the House Offering.
Our church-wide fast will begin Tuesday, May 28 in the morning and end Thursday, May 30 in the evening.
Our church-wide fast will begin Tuesday, May 28 in the morning and end Thursday, May 30 in the evening.
The basic guidelines for the Daniel Fast include eating:
• fruits, nuts
• vegetables
• water only to drink (to flush out toxins) Some say natural fruit juices may be included if they contain no preservatives, sugars, etc., but even those juices should be very limited. Coffee and tea are not permitted.
The Daniel Fast should eliminate all meats, pastries, chips, breads, and fried food. Breads contain yeast, baking powder and so on; those are leavening agents and should be avoided.