Monday, May 27, 2013

Church Wide Fast Devotional: Day 1

You may be asking yourself, "Why has our church chosen to do a fast?"  That is a fair question!  The purpose of a fast is to abstain from food for spiritual purposes.  During a fast, we press in and focus our thoughts and prayers in a concentrated way on what God is doing in our midst.  As we fast as a church, be sure to take extra moments in the days ahead to pause and stir your faith as we believe for the $550,000 we are believing to raise over and above our tithes, offerings, and foundation pledges.  Stir your faith for what it is that you want to see Jesus do in your own personal world! 
*Please note that fasting is something that needs to be done with a degree of wisdom and care for one's physical wellbeing.  It is recommended that you consult your doctor before beginning a fast.  This is especially important for any individuals with preexisting medical conditions, pregnancy, etc.  It should also be noted that Wave Church cannot be held responsible and disclaims any liability in connection with this fast.  

Tuesday, May 28

“You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.”

Joshua 23:14 (NIV)
God is a good God, and Jesus is a faithful friend.  Heaven’s heart is that we would be a people living on top of life.  As we prepare our minds and hearts for this strategic weekend in the journey that God is leading our incredible church on, we need to remind ourselves of who our God is.
In the verse above, Joshua is giving his farewell address after decades of leading Israel in the ways of God.  He had seen some incredible breakthroughs in his time on earth: he was at Mt. Sinai when God gave Moses the ten commandments, he was one of the twelve spies to first see the promised land, and he led Israel when Jericho fell.  But, he also saw some bad days while chasing after God: Israel following after the Golden Calf, defeat at the city of Ai, and the death of his leader were just a few.  No doubt Joshua lived a full life. But as his years on this earth drew to a close, Joshua’s mind was pulled to one sole truth: not one of God’s good promises failed.  Period!  He goes on to say EVERY promise was fulfilled.
As you go about your day today, take time to think about who God is.  Realize as we step into this amazing weekend, that very same God will part the seas and move the mountains that we face in our lives just as He did as He led Israel through the wilderness.
What Does the Bible say God is like?
·      He’s loving. (1 John 4:8)
·      He’s faithful. (Deuteronomy 32:4)
·      He’s victorious. (Psalm 20:6)
·      He’s a protector. (Proverbs 18:10)
·      He’s with you. (Romans 8:38, 39)
·      He’s generous. (Deuteronomy 8:18)

Think About It:
·      How has God proven His faithfulness in your life in the past?
·      Realizing what God is really like, how does your involvement in Provision for the House now look different?
·      What concerns have caused you worry recently?  Pray with somebody today that you would have more trust in God’s faithfulness than you do the challenges of life.